Town of Stephentown, Stephentown, NY, 12168. Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of Stephentown, Rensselaer County, will receive resumes and letters of interest for ONE Board of Assessment Review position with a five year term due to expire September 30th, 2029. Please submit resumes and letters to the Town Clerk by Friday, October 11th, 2024 at 7:00pm. Mail or deliver to 26 Grange Hall Rd., Stephentown, NY 12168.
By order of the Town Board
Stephanie M. Hoffman
Town Clerk
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Stephentown is seeking sealed bids for the furnishing of a 2024 or 2025 Ford F-600 4×4 Cab and Chassis with a 169” WB, or equivalent, as detailed in the accompanying bid specifications. Please take notice that the aforementioned will need to be capable of being equipped with a dump box and snow removal equipment.
Sealed bids will be received at the Town Hall, 26 Grange Hall Road, Stephentown, New York 12168. The bids will be publicly opened at 7:00 p.m. on October 21, 2024 at the Town Hall, 26 Grange Hall Road, Stephentown, New York 12168. Sealed bids will be received up until 7:00 p.m. on October 21, 2024 at the Office of the Town Clerk at the same location.
Each sealed enclosure containing a bid is to be endorsed on the outside with the name, address and telephone number of the bidder and is to state that it contains a bid for the “Medium Duty Truck.”
The successful bidder will be required to enter into a written contract/purchase order with the Town.
The Town of Stephentown reserves the right to reject any and all bids, waive any irregularities in bidding and accept the bid that is best suited for the Town.
DATED: September 16, 2024
By Order of the Town Board
Stephanie M. Hoffman, Town Clerk
Stephanie M. Hoffman, the Stephentown Town Clerk, wishes to remind residents that under New York State Ag and Markets law, all dogs are required to be licensed by four (4) months of age. Before a license can be issued or renewed, current proof of rabies vaccination must be provided. Rabies is a contagious and serious disease spread from animals to people so having them vaccinated helps to protect not only your dog, but you and your family.
To obtain a new license, a copy of the current Rabies Certificate is required (must be valid for more than 30 days prior to licensing). If the dog has been spayed/neutered proof that the animal has been altered must be provided. The cost for a spayed/neutered dog is $3.50 (annually) and unspayed/unneutered dog is $11.50. One tag is issued for the lifetime of the license; however, in the event of loss, can be replaced at an additional cost. A renewal letter will be sent on an annual basis, based upon the anniversary of the license.
If you have a dog that is of age and unlicensed, you are in violation of State and Town statutes. Please be aware that is the Town conducts a dog enumeration, not only will you have to pay the licensing fee, but you will also have to pay an additional fee for having an unlicensed dog. If you have any questions please visit the Stephentown Town Clerk’s Office, at 518-733-9195 ext. 8 or by email at